It was in the Indian subcontinent that cotton was first spun into thread and woven into cloth 8000 years ago. Tapestries were and are used in many different ways, on the floor, on the wall, during ceremonies, or suspended from the ceiling. Either way you choose to display them, tapestries add ambiance to any room or situation. All of our tapestries are 100% cotton, Fair Trade, and carefully chosen to enhance any space.
Shamiyana Design
Handloom Shamiyana Design
Tie Dye 7 Chakra Wall Hanging
Tie Dye 7 Chakra
Tie Dye Mandala
Cotton Powerloom Tie Dye Mandala
Hand of Fatima
Cotton Powerloom Hand of Fatima
Elephant Under Tree
Cotton Powerloom Elephant Under Tree
Buddha Under Tree
Cotton Powerloom Buddah Under Tree
Tie Dye Ganesha Tapestry
Tie Dye Cotton Powerloom Ganesha
Tie Dye OM Tapestry
Tie Dye on Purple
Laxmi Tapestry
Cotton Powerloom Laxmi
Hanuman Tapestry
Cotton Powerloom Hanuman
Kali Tapestry
Cotton Powerloom Kali
Ganesha Tapestry
Cotton Powerloom Ganesha